Thursday, October 15, 2009

1. The maiden communicates with the man she desires by giving him signs by telling the friar that he pretty much stalks her but the man knows really that she has a thing for him and makes his moves to her. The friar comes off as a nice guy who is just doing his job but the maiden makes him look clueless of what is happening because she is feeding him lies. In the context she tells him that the man came by her house climbed the tree and tried to go through the window when her husband went away.
2. Ricaciardo plays with Catella's emotions by feeding her a bunch of lies about her lover. He comes off to me as a pervert. He pretty much raped her even though she thought she was making love to her husband but it was really Ricaciardo.
4. Love gone wrong can relate to Tristan and Yseut it wasn't suppose to happen but they feel in love with each other and ruin the kingdom and this story people were betrayed and it ruin love with the three lovers.

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