Monday, November 30, 2009

1. There are a lot of random things going on, why is that? There are many random and different things going on because the author is trying to fit everything in the story line. It shows the quest of knights and knights renown

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

small world

2. Lodge presents Persse as a regular person that is in the world that he is not use to. He has never seen this kind of place before. He is somebody who falls in love really quick which can resemble love at first sight.
4. Angelica is described as beautiful which is not unusual because usually the main characters in all books are pretty. Persse is so taken in with her because looks. People think looks are everything before they even really get to know the person.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

the story of the grail

2. Perceval began to weep because he thinks about his mother and how he thinks that she died because of him leaving and that he should have tried to hear her out first and then proceed but he was just doing what he wanted. His self-image is considered to be selfish.
5. The unfinished ending leaves you on a cliff hanger. It makes you think what you want to happen or what should actually happen. I like the idea of how the ideas come into your head instead of hearing an ending that you might not like.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

the story of the grail

1. White flower can be described as beautiful. Her role is sort of like a distracting or a bait because they fight for her. For example when the lover battled Perceval because Perceval earlier in the story took her ring and kissed her disrespectfully.
2. Chretien presents this scene to the reader because it is very important part of the story because this is what Perceval looking for. He doesn't know where to find it. The meal is presented as perfect because of all the good food and wine of any desire. It is just one part of the trail till he finds the grail.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

the story of the grail

2. Chretien portrays Perceval as like a little boy in a toy store he is so amazed of what he is seeing. The image of knighthood being showed is the glory of the image of being a knight. Perceval perception of knighthood is he thinks they are god because how amazing they look. They conflict with each other because Perceval was not ever suppose to see a knight and he thinks they are from god or something and that is a very odd thing just because of their appearance. Chretien does this to show a different image of knights.
3. Perceval mother reaction is that she is very sad because she knew once Perceval saw a knight he would want to be one. She tells Perceval about his families past about his dad and brothers being knights and them dieing from it. She doesn't want to lose him too. He is all she has. He should have gave it a few weeks before he left to become a knight.
4. Perceval does some things that aren't to smart in order to become a knight. This can be a problem because his steps to becoming one aren't smart because at one point he just takes the maiden's ring from her when she is in the tent. Another he just challenges anybody which isn't good because he is not experienced yet. In the text he goes up to the red knight and challenges him and luckily hits the red knight in the eye and blows his brains out.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


1.The film is titled That Obscure Object of Desire because the man truly is desired to be with his lover. The "obscure object" could be shown as her not showing clear vision to him that he loves Conchita. The film shows this identity up until she quits her job and finally gives into him.
2. Terrorism can be shown as a background because it could be of the time period that the movie is suppose to take place in.
3. Bunuel uses two actress's because it might signify a different meaning.
4.The animal imagery shows a different perspective then a way of being told usually.
5. Matthieu is the narrator of the film because he has to explain why he threw the water on the lady. Most of the story is a flashback because it fits the sequence of events leading up to the story.
6. Celestina influence's this film because of how in the film and the book love really wasn't true in both or that both couples died on bad terms.
7. The final moments of the film can be viewed as very odd how it ends.
8. The burlap sac represents something but I'm not sure what it does.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Celestine

1. Melibea and Calisto meet in the dead of the night because their love really isn't as it seems because most people who love people show their love kissing in public and holding hands and etc. They are different because they meet when nobody else is around.
2. Melibea and Calisto love might not really be sincere because its seems on and off like the mood of the time. It comes off more for sex. The suicide seems as guilt. She is a very emotional girl who maybe considered bipolar type.
6. The two worlds matriarchal and patriarchal play a major role because it symbolizes what she can and can't do. The society hypercritical expectations can relate to how black and whites were separated back in racism time when segregation was around. People expect certain people to do certain things.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Celestine

1. Calisto speech represents the happiness he expected because he said "I should be happy to have such a witness of my glory." I thought this quote was important because it is showing how he really feels about his feelings for Melibea. His desire finnaly became fulfilled but Melibea is acting a little fishy about having her desired fulfilled because she says it doesn't feel the same. The theme can be based on desire. When somebody wants something they have a desire to get it and will try as hard as they can to get it.