Sunday, September 27, 2009

the end

1. Yvain gains a new identity because he wants a new beginning and he wants his lover back so he is just going through life battling and defending whoever needs help which makes him a new person with the addition of the lion.
3. Yvain and Laudine meet again and their reconciliation was somewhat interesting because it was a surprise for Laudine which she didn't really want and Yvain was so glad that him and her would become in love again but she was still pissed and felt betrayed and she might really not love him and not trust him but at her wishes she is with him again because she didn't know the knight with the lion was him which is another theory to the story

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

pages 324-355

3. Yvain reacts very quick to Laudine's messanger and is deeply hurt and his heart is destroyed of the news he hears. The news is that he broke the promise with his lover and she wants nothing to do with him. He goes crazy when he is in the wilderness and tears his clothes and eats animals raw. He changes drastically like a scavenger and looks like he got out of a crazy home naked. When he is cured by the lady, he awakes in amaze of what has become of him and does not know what to do and rest at the house while he recovers.
5. The dilemma Lunete encounters with the accusation of the barons is that they like to start trouble and want her killed like in Tristan and Yseut when Yseut was suppose to be burnt. It shows similarity between them.In the text "so like a woman:miserly with the truth, and generous with lies! The knight who's come to die on your account is crazy."

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The lion and the knight

1. Well in Erec and Enide they were truly in love as the story progressed. At the beginning of this story Yvain and his new found love do not really know each other which is similiar to Erec and Enide. In this story Lunete marries Yvain because they need a new lord and someone who will protect them. At first she is so emotional about her original lover being killed and wants Yvain killed because of him killing her original love. She realizes that he might be as good as of a knight compared to her old husband. This story has a different vibe then Erec and Enide because she chooses to marry him instead of him choosing her even though he falls in love with her at first sight.
3. Yvain can be described as a knight that is decent looking. Lunete can be described as beautiful because in the text Yvain describes her as the most beautiful woman and how he falls in love with her at first sight. He describes her hair blond and so nice but she is ripping it out because she is very emotional.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Chapters 90-122

Chapters 90-122
1. Enide passed Erec's test when he hears her saying that she won't follow that king's orders or is not feared at him at all. Erec is thrilled by what he hears and realizes she really loves him. Their relationship has changed for the better and Erec says he will not even be upset with Enide if she disobeyed him because she has proved herself that she really loves him and he loves her. A lot has changed since they have left the kingdom and they realized they are truly in love. Erec put her through this to see what kind of person she was and he found out who she really was and he liked what he saw.
2. We are told of the "death" and the "rebirth" of Erec but it was shown that it was all a test for Enide for what she would do or say about it when he became concious and Erec liked what he heard her say. Chretien decided to include this because it shows the rebirth of their love again. It relates to the rest of the text because Erec and Enide become crowned king and queen when Erec father dies.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Pages 60-90

2. Enide first words are "Wretch, unhappy me! Why did I come here from my land?" She is unhappy because everybody is talking about how Erec has changed because of her and he does not battle or anything anymore because he is pretty much whipped by her. Erec hears what she is saying when he is sleeping and is unhappy with what he has heard her say and he wants to know why and then he finds out why she is moping and wants to show everyone that he is still the best knight in the land and starts a journey to leave his bed and show his skills off pretty much.
3. Erec's intentions in takin Enide on the journey is to show her and everyone else that he is still the superior knight in the kingdom and everywhere else he crosses upon. In the context Gawain wanted him to stay and rest and heal up but Erec would not and wanted to continue his journey. It shows that his is on a mission to show everyone who he is.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Chretien De Troyes

Pages 37-60
4.The second contest in the text is the battle and at stake is power and respect and the bird which represents beauty because you have to have one of the most beautiful ladies in the kingdom to compete and that contest represents meaning to the power that the knights have in the kingdom and that Erec finds the next queen and will she will become rich and powerful and not have to worry about anything.
5. The scene with the dress implies that no matter how ugly or worn out her clothes are she will always be the most beautiful lady in the kingdom and beauty represents power she has. Enide's character is easy going. She agrees to do everything that is asked of her.Erec views her as like the perfect girl and nothing can take anything away from her.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Chapters 14-19

3.Tristan madness comes from him not being able to see his lover and it just makes him go completely crazy while he travels back to Cornwell. It is definitely possible of him becoming crazy because he is traveling alone and sick from not being with Yseut. He is trickery when he pretends to be the leper and ends up hustling everybody but it was all part of his plan to win or become close to Yseut again.
4.Tristan and Yseut must die at the end because it was all meant to be. They really loved each other and it showed when he died she could not live without him so she ends up dieing as well. These deaths are interpreted by true love. The text interprets their deaths as something that could happen because true love is real. It is similar to Romeo and Juliet. The ending goes back to when they first meet and shows that everything that happened throughout the whole story comes to a meaning that they really loved each other the whole time and everything happens for reason.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

chapters 7-13

1. Tristan and yseult stay in the woods for survival while they try to escape whoever from the kingdom who is following. They live like scavengers because their clothes are torn apart from the branches and Tristan must protect them from followers and must hunt animals for food. Tristan in the context had to teach the dog not to bark when hunting because they feared of anyone to hear the dog or them when they were traveling. They end up regretting this because they feel it was a bad idea because of all the misery and sacrifice they had to make while running from everybody.
2. Tristan and Yseult repentance sounds half true half fake because at one point they did love each other even though they were under the potion but if somebody loves somebody its usually your whole lifetime that you will love them and they can't just stop loving them. In the context they spent along time together from when they were having the affair to when they escaped from being burnt so they have been through a lot together. They can't just say they never loved each other because they really did and they probably still do even though they are writing that letter to king Mark.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Chapters 1-6

1.Tristan is a tough knight that gets done what he needs to get done like in the text when the dragon was ruining the land. Tristan said he would set out and find it and fight it and he went out and found the dragon and defeated it and killed it but was poisoned by the dragon unfortunately. Tristan is appeared as tough because he is a knight and he gets things done.
Yseut comes off nice but becomes very sneaky and sneaks around king Mark's back and falls in love with Tristan like in the text when she meets up with Tristan in the woods at night and see's the king's shadow in the trees so she plays off like she doesn't love Tristan and everybody is making up rumors about them and she never has cheated or would ever even cheat on the king because he is such a noble man.
4. Tristan side is where my opinion would stand because he does what is needed to be done and he is told what to do and he is a straight up guy even though some of the things might not be agreed with upon other people's opinions.