Tuesday, December 8, 2009


2. He choose to start with the childhood because it gives more information about what he is trying to find later in the movie. Some people might not have known what was going on if it just started in his adulthood. The "Young Indy" is determined to get the grail which is similar to knights quest for the grail.
3. The cross is very important to him because his idea of it is that the cross should be an a museum rather then the other people's hands. He has an obsession with the cross.
4. The grail book contains parts from their life and before their life of the history and where it can be located. The book shows what you need to look beyond to actually find the grail.
5. Indiana has to go on a quest for the grail which resembles going for what you desire which desire has been shown in many of the books comparing it to woman.
8. Attaining the grail must involve choosing the right one because it is more of a desire then a need. He should know in his heart which one it is because of how much he wants it.
9. The grail cannot moved beyond the great seal because some things just can't happen from my perspective. You can't ask for too much of something which is what they are doing. At least he saw what he wanted.

Monday, December 7, 2009

small world part 4

How has Persse changed since the beginning of the story? Persse has changed since the beginning because of his new perspective on Angelica. He realizes that his love is not for Angelica and gets over her.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

small world part 3

1. How does the ending make you feel?
It reminds me of a person who is selfish and does not care about what somebody else has to say and only wants to hear themselves. I felt that Persse is just another character that we read about with falling in love and either making a move or not making a move.

Monday, November 30, 2009

1. There are a lot of random things going on, why is that? There are many random and different things going on because the author is trying to fit everything in the story line. It shows the quest of knights and knights renown

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

small world

2. Lodge presents Persse as a regular person that is in the world that he is not use to. He has never seen this kind of place before. He is somebody who falls in love really quick which can resemble love at first sight.
4. Angelica is described as beautiful which is not unusual because usually the main characters in all books are pretty. Persse is so taken in with her because looks. People think looks are everything before they even really get to know the person.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

the story of the grail

2. Perceval began to weep because he thinks about his mother and how he thinks that she died because of him leaving and that he should have tried to hear her out first and then proceed but he was just doing what he wanted. His self-image is considered to be selfish.
5. The unfinished ending leaves you on a cliff hanger. It makes you think what you want to happen or what should actually happen. I like the idea of how the ideas come into your head instead of hearing an ending that you might not like.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

the story of the grail

1. White flower can be described as beautiful. Her role is sort of like a distracting or a bait because they fight for her. For example when the lover battled Perceval because Perceval earlier in the story took her ring and kissed her disrespectfully.
2. Chretien presents this scene to the reader because it is very important part of the story because this is what Perceval looking for. He doesn't know where to find it. The meal is presented as perfect because of all the good food and wine of any desire. It is just one part of the trail till he finds the grail.